Word of Mouth #003 Mindset. "Whether you think you can, or you think you can't – you're right." – Henry Ford Objective: In two minutes or less, you'll gain a new insight or perspective to improve your mindset. My perspective: Our mindsets are shaped by our world view. As individuals, we have a unique mindset due to our genes and more importantly our experiences. And that’s a strength. Your uniqueness is to be cherished. Use it to your advantage. The problem I often see, is that people have a...
about 1 month ago • 2 min read
Word of Mouth. #002 Market Trends. "Don’t skate to where the puck is, skate to where it’s going to be." – Wayne Gretzky Objective: In two minutes or less, you'll gain a new insight or perspective to apply in your life. My perspective: In the few months, I've had a major realisation. You can build the best product in the world. But if the market isn't ready or have a desire for your product. It's pointless. The market is the sole dictator of whether your product will be a success. Is there a...
about 1 month ago • 1 min read
Word of Mouth. #001 Reputation. "It takes many good deeds to build a good reputation, and only one bad one to lose it." – Benjamin Franklin Objective: In two minutes or less, you'll gain a new insight or perspective to apply in your life. My perspective: I've been thinking about reputation a lot recently. The fear of losing the reputation you worked so hard to build often stifles your growth. In what has become a cancel culture, we fear : Offending people Saying the wrong thing Judgement by...
about 2 months ago • 1 min read