Word of Mouth: #004 - Goal setting

Word of Mouth


Goal Setting

"Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible." – Tony Robbins

Objective - Within the next 2 minutes I want to share a new framework which helps you hit short and long term goals.

My Perspective - We're now in February. Which means 99% of people have given up on their new year's resolutions.

Unfortunately, this doesn't just happen once a year.

We tend to consistently set goals and not achieve them.

Until we get to a point where we just give up on the life we want because we've let ourselves down so many times.

Sound familiar?

It did to me, until I changed my approach.

And I'm going to tell you exactly what I've done, which has shifted my perspective on goal setting.

I hope it will change things for you too.

When I think about setting goals, I set two types - Macro goals & Micro goals.

Macro goals - these are big ambitious goals that seem so far away and unachievable. For example:

  • Complete an Ironman event
  • Run my own successful business
  • Own a big house in the countryside
  • Have a diverse investment portfolio worth $1m+

These are your moonshots. And it's important to have these written down in a place you will being constantly reminded.

This is because you need your Micro goals to be directed towards them...

Micro goals - these are you daily or weekly goals. Set them small, and easy to achieve.

But most importantly point them in the direction of your macro goals.

For example:

  • Run/Swim/Cycle .5km further than last week
  • Build my business plan and network for investors
  • Overpay my current mortgage building more equity
  • Automate my investments and research new opportunities

The trick with Micro goals is to improve by a small margin every time.

And when they compound, you'll hit your macro goals before you know it.

Summary - The goals won't be hit until you do something about it. I can give you the framework that works for me, but unless you're willing to put in the work, your goals will stay just as goals.

Whatever you do, just get started.

When you act and hit a micro goal, you'll get that dopamine hit.

And when you improve that micro goal the following week, you'll get another.

This will keep feeling good and eventually build into a habits.

Habits all pointing towards your macro goals.

And before you know it you'll be a business owning Ironman living in the countryside with a diverse investment portfolio.

Keep spreading the good word ✌️


P.S. - If you liked this but want it in fewer words, check out what I post on X...

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James Hall
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7:23 PM • Feb 3, 2025

113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205
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Word of Mouth

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