Word of Mouth: #001 - Reputation

Word of Mouth.



"It takes many good deeds to build a good reputation, and only one bad one to lose it." – Benjamin Franklin

Objective: In two minutes or less, you'll gain a new insight or perspective to apply in your life.

My perspective: I've been thinking about reputation a lot recently.

The fear of losing the reputation you worked so hard to build often stifles your growth.

In what has become a cancel culture, we fear :

  • Offending people
  • Saying the wrong thing
  • Judgement by friends & family

Those brave enough to push through that fear, by ignoring opinions they can't control.

Can build a reputation based on their authentic self. And this is where you find growth, fulfilment and success.

You cant be afraid of upsetting people along the way. Because if you try and speak to everyone. You end up speaking to no one.

Jane Wurwand, founder of Dermalogica says "You have to be prepared to piss off 80% or we will never turn on 20%. If every single person is your target demographic, then what are you offering anyone that's unique?".

An example of someone we all know who's gone through a reputation revolution in recent years - Mark Zuckerberg.

He's gone from a robotic Tech CEO to a brazilian jiu jitsu wrestling fashion icon over the last few years.

This has taken a lot of work to build by what I'm sure is a large (and expensive) PR team.

And with one recent post to change Meta's content moderation policies, his reputation to many is now in the gutter.

And has gained support from many on the other side of the political spectrum.

Summary: When you try to fit in, you fade in.

Be brave enough to be your authentic self.

Dont be afraid to put yourself out there.

And say what you think.

Your reputation (and growth) depends on it!

As promised, a new insight and perspective in two minutes or less.

Keep spreading the good word 🙌


P.S. - I'll be posting my perspective on a range of personal and business growth topics. If you like what you've read, make sure you subscribe. And connect with me on the socials 👇

113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205
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Word of Mouth

Sharing the latest ideas I’ve come across in personal and business growth...

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